Change is coming….

You may have noticed that it’s been a bit quiet around here. There is so much going on that I just haven’t had the time to blog or post that much. But believe me, I’ve been very busy.

For the past almost 4 years, Steven, my husband has been working in Atlanta. Two of those years he was gone Monday to Friday while I stayed here with the kiddos. We tried to sell the house in 2 different occasions so I could go with him but between the bad market and me having a lot of business here we just didn’t put the effort and after a few months we would take the house down and keep our Alabama life. While his work now is very flexible and he’s allowed to work from home a lot he still needs to go to the office a few times a month so after a lot of thinking we decided to give it one more chance and try to sell the house again. It’s been a hard decision for me, I’ve been in the US for 11 years and 8.5 of them have been here in Alabama.. it feels like “home” to me.. I grew up a business here, all my friends are here, 3 of my babies were born here, I feel safe here… but lately something is missing… Business it’s not what it used to be, kiddos are growing up and we are full of extra activities and it’s hard for me to do it solo and the obvious, Steven’s commute sucks.

My realtor friend Shanalee helped us this time and the house was sold in only a few weeks… (totally recommend her, she’s awesome you can find her HERE and HERE). And after a few trips to the Atlanta area we found our new house in Cumming, GA.  I feel very excited and nervous too, the kiddos are excited about having a new house and new school. I’m excited about a fresh start.

So what does this mean for my photo business?.. The good thing about our move is that we are moving only a couple of hours away so I’ll be able to drive back often. I will continue to book sessions here in Alabama, probably making monthly trips to shoot as many sessions as I can.. ( So if you are interested in a session this fall spaces will be limited, contacted me ahead of time!). I will also try to start building a new business in Georgia so if you know of somebody around the Cumming area (Forsyth County) please share my info with them. I know it wont be easy to start all over again, but I did it once now I get the chance of doing it again.

Keep us in your thoughts as we make this transition… it sounds fun but moving with 4 kiddos is not ;) So far they’ve enjoyed all the chaos of boxes around the house… I’ve been snapping some iPhone pictures to remember this time in our life.

Thank you for all your support always!

Andrea Jones - May 20, 2013 - 5:34 am

Cumming, GA is only about 30 minutes from where I grew up in Gainesville, GA. I will definitely post about your photography to the locals! How exciting! Good luck on your move!

Annie - May 20, 2013 - 8:04 am

G, I am so excited for you but incredibly broken-hearted too. Selfishly, I don’t want you to go! I love our lunches amd knowing you’re not far away. I’m so sad.
I’ll be praying for a smooth transition for you guys, tho. Georgia is getting a pretty phenomenal famil and photographer. Our loss is their gain. Love you, my amazing friend!

Winnie Tresaugue - May 20, 2013 - 7:18 pm

If we can move from California to Alabama, and back to California in four years, you can do this too! Now you will be another reason for me to come to Georgia while visiting my sister in North Carolina. You’ll do fine Grethel!!

katie - May 23, 2013 - 11:17 am

If you ever need a photography buddy, I’m south of Cumming in East Cobb. :)

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