Prices and Products


Collections start at $425


Maternity- Newborn and Baby’s first year packages available.


Custom products, books, canvas, keepstake boxes available. For a complete list on prices and product please contact Grethel at or 205-453-4983


Prices are subject to change without notice. Tax and shipping are not included.

All images remain copyright of Grethel Van Epps and Grethel Van Epps Photography, unless copyright release has been issued.  Session images are subject to advertising on Grethel Van Epps’ webpage and/or blog, marketing forms, business cards, or public display unless written request to not have same posted is submitted to Grethel Van Epps.






Holly Daugherty - October 1, 2010 - 12:01 pm

can you please let me know if you have any fall availability for a family of 4 for a photo shoot here in Birmingham. Thanks so much.

christine - January 17, 2011 - 2:31 am

Hi Gethel,
I was wondering if you could tell me more about the digital packages. thanks! Christine

Shea Hill - May 2, 2011 - 11:28 am

I am interested in scheduling a session with you. Can you please give me available times and well as locations that you shoot? My children are 16,13 and 9…

Jennifer Loggins - July 12, 2012 - 11:11 am

I work with Tiffany Zelis and love your work. I was wondering what your schedule looks like for the fall and what your prices would be for photographing a family of four… my husband, me, and my twins who are 3 years old. We have not had family photos made since the girls were 6 months old. I just want something fun and maybe something I can give to grandparents for Christmas. Thanks for your time.

Jennifer Loggins and family

Alechia Hirt - February 15, 2014 - 5:21 am

Hello! My name is Alechia, and my husband and (then) 6/7 month old daughter (Olivia Catherine) are traveling to Atlanta for 2 weeks in May from Germany. Our baby was born 7 weeks early, and when we were in the hospital they told us they couldn’t take her pics because she was just too small and to wait till she’s 6 months. So I was wondering if you would be interested in providing your services for us? We would need a digital collection, and because she’s a preemie, I can’t be certain she’ll be sitting perfectly on her own yet. But If you are interested (and I’d understand if you aren’t considering we don’t live close-by and all) what would your estimate be for a family shoot and digital collection? I love your pictures and I hope to hear from you soon! Thanks very much for reading this and have a great day!

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